Morning all.
I've just had the most fantastic email that I wanted to share with you. It turns out that Challenge Martha is fast becoming an international hit with followers as widely spread as Canada and Australia. Brilliant! This email and picture came in from Gloria on Vancouver Island this morning -
"Hi Martha ~ I've been following your blog, and I thought I'd send you something for Halloween so you can meet this particular challenge after all! Hope the weather cheers up a bit for you! It's wet and rainy over here on Vancouver Island as well! Kind regards, Gloria"

Gloria I can only say thank you from the bottom of my heart. The fact that someone I have never met on a continent over 3,000 miles away would take the time to dress me up in a giant red squirrel costume for the world to see is genuinely heart warming. If only they were broadcasting tonight I could make Chris and Charlie (and no doubt my colleagues here) very happy indeed.
Does life get any better than this my friends?!
Well it might next week, with the challenges pouring in. Here are a selection that I may or may not be able to take up next week to inspire you if you've not yet set me a challenge.
"Do some batspotting? or with climate change have they hibernated or gone on holiday? Think the goggles will help with this challenge...keep up the good work. Angela"
"How many different Water Voles can you see in one hour on the reedbed boardwalk crossing in front of the villa and is there anyway you can identify them individually to discount any double counting? Photographic evidence please!! Australian Charlotte"
"It sounds like you are having far too much fun. So I'm going to think up some nasty and horrible challenges for you! In the meantime, can you spot seven different colours of waxcap on Brownsea? Sophie"
"Stay out on Brownsea island, building your own home and surving for a whole 72 hours living off the land. Mike"
Mike I know your game...That's got 'Brownsea Boatman' stamped all over it. Are you trying to kill me?!
So happy you enjoyed your Halloween outfit ~ thanks so much for sharing it on your blog and for your kind words which were heartwarming to me! Sharing joy, humour and laughter ~ perks of blogging :) I'm so glad Flighty linked to your blog and to Autumnwatch. Take care, Gloria
ReplyDeleteGlo has continually delighted her blog friends not only with her delightful entries but with things like this which bring a smile to our day.
ReplyDeleteFor you to include this in your post as you have is what good blogging is all about.
Have a good second Autumnwatch week! xx